We have an amazing group of instructors, ready to share their techniques and tips!
Alicia Aitchison
Alicia is an amazingly talented knitter and crocheter, who teaches new knitters to make warm hats and headbands for donation to Project Warmth. She is very involved in our community with her numerous volunteer projects. Alicia even has a photo documenting her recent Canadian knitting trifecta - a photo with the Yarn Harlot, of Alicia's Canadian designed socks, knit with Sweet Georgia yarn, for the Canada KAL.
Barb Brown
Barb is an amazing designer, teacher, and lifelong knitter. Her book, Knitting Knee-highs: Sock Styles from Classic to Contemporary was released in 2011. Her designs have appeared in Vogue Knitting, Koigu Magazine, and The Knitter (UK). Barb is the Design Coordinator for Ancient Arts Fibres. Barb also teaches at fibre events including Vogue Live and Sock Summit, retreats and yarn shops.
She is the great-granddaughter of Jeremina Colvin, the Shetlander who, with her friends Mary Edwards and Sopia Percy of the Cowichan band, strove to make the Cowichan Sweaters a quality product that would provide an income for the women of that community. She is very interested the knitting traditions of all countries, and in teaching these techniques to others. Many of her designs incorporate the unique stitches of these traditions.
Sarah Elizabeth
Sarah is the amazing talent behind Sarah Elizabeth Fibre Works, featuring luxurious and eco friendly fibres! Based in Rossland BC, she brings fibre full circle, from the farm to finished product. With an extensive background and education in the fine arts, she is intensely passionate about all things fibre arts related.
Vanessa Bjerreskov
Vanessa is based in Edmonton, Alberta. She has been a fibre artist since she was just 4 years old! She is teaching the drop spinning classes and the wheel spinning demonstrations. She is a master spinner, and a coordinator of the Olds Fibre Week program. She also hosts a fantastic fibre podcast, By The Fibreside.
Alicia Aitchison
Alicia is an amazingly talented knitter and crocheter, who teaches new knitters to make warm hats and headbands for donation to Project Warmth. She is very involved in our community with her numerous volunteer projects. Alicia even has a photo documenting her recent Canadian knitting trifecta - a photo with the Yarn Harlot, of Alicia's Canadian designed socks, knit with Sweet Georgia yarn, for the Canada KAL.
Barb Brown
Barb is an amazing designer, teacher, and lifelong knitter. Her book, Knitting Knee-highs: Sock Styles from Classic to Contemporary was released in 2011. Her designs have appeared in Vogue Knitting, Koigu Magazine, and The Knitter (UK). Barb is the Design Coordinator for Ancient Arts Fibres. Barb also teaches at fibre events including Vogue Live and Sock Summit, retreats and yarn shops.
She is the great-granddaughter of Jeremina Colvin, the Shetlander who, with her friends Mary Edwards and Sopia Percy of the Cowichan band, strove to make the Cowichan Sweaters a quality product that would provide an income for the women of that community. She is very interested the knitting traditions of all countries, and in teaching these techniques to others. Many of her designs incorporate the unique stitches of these traditions.
Sarah Elizabeth
Sarah is the amazing talent behind Sarah Elizabeth Fibre Works, featuring luxurious and eco friendly fibres! Based in Rossland BC, she brings fibre full circle, from the farm to finished product. With an extensive background and education in the fine arts, she is intensely passionate about all things fibre arts related.
Vanessa Bjerreskov
Vanessa is based in Edmonton, Alberta. She has been a fibre artist since she was just 4 years old! She is teaching the drop spinning classes and the wheel spinning demonstrations. She is a master spinner, and a coordinator of the Olds Fibre Week program. She also hosts a fantastic fibre podcast, By The Fibreside.